Guilds are useful for completing the many dungeons Fiesta has to offer. Players can join a guild from level one, giving them access to the guilds shared storage space. The game also has a heavy focus on guilds. Weddings are a massive part of Fiesta's community, and many players spend most of their social time trying to find an in-game partner. One of the most prominent features in Fiesta is their wedding option. The game has double EXP weekends regularly to help players further their characters. EXP can be gained from grinding or doing quests. You can level up and unlock more skills as your character level increases. There are both close and long-range combat options to choose from, and combos can help you finish battles quickly. Combat is click and attack based with hotkeys thrown in to chain abilities with. Mounts are a big part of the fiesta community and are offered in many different skins to compliment your character.įighting in Fiesta is slow paced, and you have to time your attacks to beat enemies without taking damage. Fiestas character designs are based on the anime art style along with the design of the enemies. Further customization can be earned by gaining access to real gear or shopping in the Fiesta store. The customization system in Fiesta isn't too in depth and gives you just enough options to make your character unique.

During the third class change, you can choose to go with two different options in your class to give you an extra edge in battle. When you complete a class change, you will unlock a stronger version of each class with additional abilities. The game gives you more variety as you level up with class changes. The game is designed to push players into working with each other to balance out their team and quickly take down enemies. The classes include traditional RPG types like mages, brawlers, and archers.

It has a heavy focus on social MMO aspects such as guilds and doesn't promote solo play as much as other MMORPGs.įiesta has six classes to choose from that all balance each other out when collected into a party. Fiesta puts out daily challenges to ensure there is always something new going on for returning players. The game uses a traditional class-based system and streamlined combat to entice players of all skill levels. This MMO originally debuted in 2006 with a worldwide launch in 2007. Fiesta is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG published by Gamigo.